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Demographic Changes and Modelling of Municipal Waste Production in CR

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Rising prices of the raw materials and negative externalities associated with the waste disposal and landfilling is closely connected with the tendencies towards material and energy recovery and waste prevention. The prerequisite of these successfull efforts is analyzing material flows, environmetal effects and modeling of the economic impacts of the implemented regulations.

Models reflecting the priorities of waste management and ideas of future development should serve as a support tool for decision makers when creating new policies and regulations, programs and strategies in this area. Demographic and socio-economic changes require economic and political adaptation, social adjustments and regulations.

We need to pay attention to this phenomenon as it has even bigger effect on community life. The objective of this paper is to review the state of present knowledge regarding to demographic changes and their influence on technical infrastructure at regional level.

Following this knowledge, relationship between demographic changes and waste management in Czech Republic was analyzed. Understanding of characteristics influencing municipal waste production and their development in time could markedly help in adaptation to further development in waste management