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SMPS spektra při různých meteorologických podmínkách

Publikace na Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta |


Particle size distributions (PSD) of atmospheric aerosols have been studied extensively due to the confirmed influence of aerosols on global climate, aerosol - clouds interactions, atmospheric visibility, human health etc. (Kerminen et al 2005; IPCC, 2007; Wichmann et al, 2000). Strong feedback mechanisms of the atmosphere acting on PSD have been found as well Mikkonen et al, 2011).

To evaluate these feedbacks, it is necessary to describe a connection between individual meteorological phenomena and atmospheric aerosol. The variety of measured meteorological variables able to alter or adapt aerosol PSD in its shape or amplitude is wide.

Their contributions vary a lot, however. The most important characteristics, besides temperature, radiation and wind speed, are relative humidity (RH) and precipitation amount (Zíková et al, 2010).

This work describes first results of categorization of aerosol PSD according to the various meteorological conditions connected to atmospheric humidity.