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The differences in activation of chosen muscles dutiny Brest stroke swimming style by handicapped swimmers A2

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


In the report we focus on comparison of each case studies of analysis of breast stroke swimming style by handicapped swimmers with over-knee amputation. The aim was to find out the stability of performance of each step, cycle (drive) by breast stroke swimming style and then to describe involving of chosen muscles by performance of each cycle at chosen group.

Monitoring of kinezilogical contents of movement of chosen muscles was done by comparing analysis with help of qualitative analysis of video recording and on the base of quantitative comparison of intensity of electric possibility of chosen muscles. Monitored unit contained four swimmers, two men and two women, at age of 22 - 30.

In the time of the research only these swimmers attended swimming races of disabled people in the Czech Republic in category A2. Results show asymmetrical activity of chosen muscles (m. pectoralis major, m. trapesius a m. obliques).

Monitored people show stable performance of skills in individual comparison. Electric activity of chosen muscles is similar in comparison of each attempt.