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Geological-botanical excursion to the vicinity of Loděnice

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Geological and botanical excursion was organized by the Museum of Czech Karst, Beroun, to the vicinity of Loděnice village on May 24, 2009. At the periphery of Loděnice, we admired a lime-kiln having an interesting history.

The most attractive goal was the classic Silurian paleontological locality on the southwestern slope of Špičatý vrch Hill, the so-called "Barrandovy jámy" (Barrande pits), already researched by Joachim Barrande and his followers. Here we managed to find fossils of the trilobite Aulacopleura konincki.

Then we visited an active limestone quarry "Na Branžovech" and the "Branžovy" Nature Monument with rare flora (critically endangered Daphne cneorum etc.). During the excursion, a total of 237 vascular plant species were recorded (including strongly endangered species Adonis aestivalis, Crepis praemorsa, Prunus fruticosa etc.).