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The Chinese Taoism

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The taoisst thougt is appreciated by mistake as entirelly strange to Czech region. Interest in chinese thought rises as in the whole of Europe as in the Czech Republic.

There exists even a registered taoist organisation in our country. The taoism belongs with buddhism and konfucianism to the numerousest chenise orientations of thought.

The word "taoism" is deduced from the work Tao-TeŤing (Book of the Way and of the Virtue) whose probably author šas a archivist Lao-ć in the 5. century B.C. There are three meanings of the word "tao" : tao as a way, tao as a norm ; tao as a absolute.

By this term is also denoted state of all before the origin of being. The taoists suppose that all being is emanation from a silent nothing.

The entitery of all beings be in permanent state of origins and of extinctions. besides to the taoism as philosophical system exists the taoiism as a religion. The founder Lao-c'holds the highest position here.

The whole pantheon of gods, of demigods and of saints is located below him. The religious taoism is unacceptable for chrfistians by rfeason of its pantheism.

From philosophical point of view the taoism is unacceptable on account of his proposition the existence originate in non-existence and in consequence of denial of the contradiction principle.