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Plant-arthropod associations from the Early Miocene of the Most Basin in North Bohemia-Palaeoecological and palaeoclimatological implications

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Terrestrial plants and insects account for the majority of the Earth's biodiversity today, and herbivorous interactions are dated back more than 400 million yr. However, investigation of their associations remains in its infancy in Europe.

More than 3500 plant remains showing various kinds of feeding damage were available for the present study. These trace fossils are classified according to their external morphology into damage types (DT) and grouped to functional feeding-groups.

The Neogene plant record in Europe is rich and diverse, offering a profound large-scale understanding of the floristic and vegetational development. A database of fossil traces from the Most Basin was compiled and analyzed by various statistical methods in terms of the diversity and intensity of palaeoherbivory.

The primary objective is to present results on the development of insect herbivory through the section of the Bílina Mine in North Bohemia, with the aim of understanding the principal factors that caused the observed phenomena. The research was focused on two horizons-Delta Sandy Horizon (DSH) and Lake Clayey Horizon (LCH)-both sufficiently represented to compare their palaeoecological and palaeoclimatological signals on the basis of the presence of damages caused by insects and other herbivorous arthropods.

A total sample of 60 different damage types, attributed to eight main functional feeding groups, was examined. Results from analyses of the frequency and diversity of the selected categories of plant arthropod associations within both examined horizons significantly support different environmental conditions.

The LCH seems to be affected by the relatively colder and drier climatic conditions as indicated by a four times greater frequency of leaves with galls and lower taxonomic diversity and species equability, whereas DSH indicates warmer and more humid conditions reflecting the higher diversity of the plant species and damage types.