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Comparison of the Saturnian Verse and Czech Translation Verse of Classical Quantitative Hexameters

Publikace na Filozofická fakulta |

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The first part of this paper summarizes systematically the existing theories (quantitative theories, accentual theories and other views - isosyllabic, syncretic, and others), and attempts to comprehend its principles and shortcomings. The second part focuses on the Czech verse and its principles, and more specifically on the problems of translating quantitative hexameter into the Czech language.

It addresses the Czech quantitative, accentual and mixed/syllabic hexameter. The third part of the text is devoted to the results of the schematic analysis of individual Saturnian verses as they occur in epic poems Odusia by Livius Andronicus and Bellum Poenicum by Gnaeus Naevius, of the "model Saturnian verse" Malum dabunt Metelli Naevio poetae and Naevius' epitaph.

The research is based on the following presumptions: firstly, Livius Andronicus (when translating the Odyssey into Latin) could have attempted to retain the rhythmic pattern of the original written in Greek hexameter. Secondly, Latin is a language with a dynamic accent; it naturally follows accentual rather than quantitative prosody.

As a result, it may be assumed that literary Saturnian verses represent the accentual imitation of the Greek quantitative hexameter.