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White rose ? student resistance in the Third Reich

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Bílá růže is a name of group of people who had the courage, only few people had, to oppose Hitler and National Socialism ideology of the Third Reich. In many respects, their resistance is singular and extraordinary, which should be ? when judging their deeds ? taken into account, unconditionally.

The first actions of Bílá růže date back to summer of 1942. It was a period when Germany was at the height of its glory.

Almost the entire Europe was under its dominance and the German Army celebrated unprecedented successes also in northern Africa and in the Atlantic Ocean. Of course, the population was informed about it and only few resisted enthusiasm and optimistic expectations about the future.

During that period, majority of the German nation still infinitely believed in Hitlers victory of the war and wished for it. Activities of Bílá růže took place primarily in Munich, i.e. in a city where NSDAP was founded in 1920, where the unsuccessful Hitlers putsch took place three years later, and where the Part