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Attribution of personality traits on the basis of facial features

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Judging people according to their facial features is an everyday phenomenon. A great deal of these attributions are simply caused by the "halo effect" but at least some of them seem to have a kernel of truth.

In previously published studies the raters were able to judge Eysencks psychoticism and the Big Five factors extraversion and conscientiousness correctly (i.e. in agreement with the results of personality test)on the basis of photographs. The clue here could be attractiveness, which is connected both with more positive attributions and with positive scores of many personality traits.

Similarly, masculine facial features most probably correlate with some personality traits thanks to the common hormonal regulation. In our study, at first 138 females and 80 males, students of The Faculty of Science at Charles University, filled in Cattell's 16PF and their facial photographs with neutral expression were taken.

These photographs with covered scalps were presented to 122 females and 73 males, student