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Protection of fundamental rights and freedoms in the changes of law in the early 21st century in the Czech, European and international context

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The collective monograph deals with both the place of basic and human rights in Czech, international and European law, both the relationships between judiciálními mechanisms at national, international and European level. The monograph is divided into three basic sections, the rather intricately structured.

This way you can imagine how the best legal and theoretical foundations of human rights, unity and differentiation of human rights (including social rights), the principle of equality, non-discrimination and protection of minorities, protection of fundamental rights within the public administration and judiciary. Other parts include both general issues of internationalization of human rights regional mechanism of the Council of Europe and its reform, special legislation and the impulses to protect human rights and related issues outlined above, interaction of two systems of protection of human rights in Europe.

This collective monograph was written in fulfillment of the tasks of the research project No. MSM0021620804 Charles University, "Quantitative and qualitative changes in the law of the beginning of the 3rd Millennium - roots, background and perspective. "