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Evolution born moist: Analogies and parallels of Anaximander's primeval evolution and Darwinian evolution

Publication at Faculty of Science |


According to Anaximander, life originated in the moisture associated with earth. This moist environment of sea or mud hosted the first living beings that have later ascended to land.

In connection with this idea, the first hints of environmental adaptation can be traced. Also some references to rather complicated human ontogeny were reported; such as, for instance, the origin and development of premature human beings inside the fish-like animals.

This study further gives a comparison of parallel motifs present in Anaximander philosophy and much later periods of pre-Darwinian German romantic science and post-Darwinian twentieth century biology. Anaximander anticipated the changes in development of living beings (adaptations) and also was seeking for the origins of human being.

In Anaximander's thought, we do not find the most characteristic trait of Darwin's evolutionary account; i.e. emphasis on historicity and uniqueness of all what comes into being.