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Multicentric Study of Patients with Pelvic Injury: Overview of Clinical Outcomes and Permanent Sequelae

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Third Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of the study was to assess the clinical outcomes and permanent sequelae of pelvic fractures at one year after injury and to identify factors that influenced these results. The evaluation of patient data at one year after pelvic injury in this prospective longitudinal study justify the authors to draw the following conclusions: clinical outcomes were worse in unstable pelvic fractures; worse clinical results were related to the extent of residual dislocation of the dorsal pelvic segment; permanent neurological sequelae were most fre quent and were perceived by the patients with strong negative feelings particularly when they manifested clinically after surgery; permanent urological, sexual and gastrointestinal problems were more closely associated with neurological deficits than with the severity of primary injury to the pelvic skeleton, lower urinary tract, sexual organs or digestive system.