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Toward the Characterology of Caucasian Languages

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The present study is trying to approach, to characterize the Caucasian languages as a whole, presenting successively the well-known four aggrupations, namely Kartvelian languages, Abkhazho-Adyghen group, Nakh languages and Daghestanian group. A possible asset or value may be seen in a double sense: on the one hand the article may be conceived of as a novum in Czech specialized literature; and on the other (and more importantly) in as analysis of very subtle, complicated and inconsequential mutual relations between exponents of agglutination and exponents of intro- / inflexion.

Does it remind the old dictum of Friedrich Mueller in his Grundriss about the principle of agglutination which characterizes Caucasian languages, the principle pointing many a time toward the inflexion?