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Pious legacies of citizens of Olomouc in the light of Memorable book

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Theoretically oriented first part debates possibilities of the use of quantitative attitudes for the research of late-medieval testaments and it contains reflection of division of the pious legacies into monetary and non-monetary group. In the second part are the results of a quantitative analysis of the pious legacies in testaments of citizens of Olomouc presented and put into a broader cultural and historical context.

Preferences of citizens of Olomouc resemble preferences of testators in other royal cities in Bohemia and Moravia in the 15th century very much. The difference rests in their overall volume above all.

Here the fact is reflected that Olomouc belonged to one of the wealthiest cities of Czech Lands in the surveyed period of time. Institution which got most of the legacies was the most important parish church in the city (St.

Maurice) Church). Legacies to charity, conventions of begging orders and other churches not only in Olomouc followed.

Women left more pious legacies than men. The only one institution which got more legacies by men than by women was the St.

Mořic Church. This can be explained by an extraordinary importance which was attributed to the completion of the unfinished representative parish church.

This played a more distinct role in the decision making of male testators than of female testators. Examples of a short term growth of number of legacies to Observant convent of St.

Bernard in Olomouc and to hospital of St. Elizabeth in Prague under Vyšehrad, which was caused by building, or more precisely by a reconstruction of the respective institution, illustrate how important it is to follow preferences of late-medieval testators in a long term, too.

Especially if the researcher chooses a quantitative attitude.