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Three Stages in the Institutionalization of Empirical Social Research

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Sociologists at Chicago University (A.W. Small.

W.I. Thomas, R.E.

Park and E.W. Burgess made twelve key decisions important for the first stage of the Institutionalization of Empirical Social Research.

Second stage in this process has been made by market researchers and by public opinion poll. Development of Survey Research including processing of Mass Data, sampling, standardization, organized teamwork, statistical processing of large volumes of data and new techniques of data analysis prepared the field for the third stage.

Survey Analysis: A New Strategy of Data Analysis oriented towards the searching for causal relationshships made the third step in the process of Institutionalization of Empirical Social Research. Elaboration Model represents the core of Survey Analysis.

P.F. Lazarsfeld and S.A.

Stouffer have the main merits for such development.