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St Ambrose: Bishop and Citizen

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The paper describes the attitudes of St Ambrose of Milan toward the State and to explain theologically these attitudes and how Ambrose's theory reflects in his practice. After a short introduction in the relation of the Roman society to the divinity, the Author re-enters Ambrose's election to the bishopric to look for the foundations of his relationship to the Emperors of Rome.

An excursus to Ambrose's view of ideal government and his relation to the politic theology of Roman authors follows. Concrete Ambrose's attitudes are described on the background of disputes on the Altar of the Victory in the Roman Senate (384), on the Milan Basilicas (386), on the Callinicum Synagogue (388) and on the penance imposed by Ambrose on Emperor Theodosius after the Thessalonike Massacre (390).

In the end, the paper shows Ambrose's view on religious tolerance in view of the heretic Priscillianus. Ambrose's ideal and his practical attitude was the independence of the Church and not intruding in the matters of the religions from the side of the power of the state.

Endurance of this defence determined once for all the Western Civilisation view on relationship between the Church and the State.