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Relaxation Techniques in Contemporary Sport Psychology

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Relaxation techniques are traditionally used as means of actual psychical state regulation before competition in sport psychology. They are also good mean of regeneration too.

Their final benefits are much wider: they help to improve self-knowledge, self-regulation and to prevent psychosomatic symptoms. The most of them originate from psychotherapy, specific methods for athletes exist too (the RAM-method authored by Machač is the most known in Czech Republic).

Their application in sport psychology has some specifics given by situation of athlete including technical conditions, by personality traits, especially in the area of physical-Self (body as a mean of performance and Self-realization) and by character of his/her sport event. This article offers overview of relaxation techniques used in contemporary sport psychology with description of their effect, their benefits, possible contraindication and principles of their practical application.