This article offers information about application of physical activity in psychiatric and psychosomatic patients' therapy - so called kinesiotherapy. Its indication is based on psychosomatic relations of movement apparatus knowledge and knowledge of specific psychological effect of different types of physical activity.
Psychological benefits of physical activity are in general anxiolytic, antidepressive and abreactive effect (i.e. stress abreaction). Besides that we can use specific psychosomatic relations in applied therapy, f.e. balance abilities and stability get worse as a result of higher anxiety and the other way around - balance exercises can reduce anxiety.
Concept "flow experience" by Csickszentmihalyi was very useful in understanding psychological effect of physical activity. Flow is experience of becoming absorbed, harmony and orderliness, satisfaction with only doing the activity independently on its result.
This is experience when we don't perceive time, we feel perfect concentration and inner peace. Flow experience can be very intensive, near meditation experience, and it can be important factor of quality of life improving.
The most of research studies found out that physical activity has higher effect in psychiatric and psychosomatic patients than in healthy persons. In these it is called kinesioprotection.