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Imaging of solid kidney tumors

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Renal cell carcinoma reaches the highest incidence in the Czech Republic world wide. The most important role of the imaging methods is to distinguish it in between the all solid and cyst-like renal lesions.

Even the ultrasound (sometimes including application of contrast material) remains the basic imaging method, CT-angiography and MR-angiography is the most important recent methods to display its own tumorous tissue including the vessels supplying the tumor and the whole kidney. Magnetic resonance is able to improve the differential diagnosis in hypo-vascular (especially papillary renal cell carcinoma) when the diffusion weighted imaging is used.

PET/CT is enabling to estimate the aggressiveness of the renal cell carcinomas according their level of fluorodeoxyglucose accumulation.