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Discussion Seminar on Social Dynamics and its Acceleration



The seminar explored the impact of acceleration of social dynamics on the contemporary societies. The seminar took place on Friday October 19th 2012, at Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague.

Topic ot the seminar: It has been noted in many areas of social sciences that growing intensity and variability of transactions influences in very profound ways the nature of social order as well as social coordination. Importantly, it brings about the issue of coordination sustainability and vulnerability of social order.

Can social dynamics acceleration, i.e., the growth of the size, variety, interdependence, and variability of transactions, continue indefinitely? Are contemporary societies facing the risk of "overheating"? Will their structures become much too variable? What risks and opportunities does the societal acceleration bring? How do actors cope with adapt to increasing social dynamics? Can examination of social dynamic processes help us to understand the current economic, social and political crisis? An accurate understanding of social dynamics requires careful analysis of various social phenomena and therefore the seminar seeks to discuss these issues in a multidisciplinary setting. Scholars from all areas of social sciences are invited to present their contribution dealing with acceleration of social dynamics and its unintended consequences.

Papers were presented by: Mgr. Karel Čada (ISS FSV UK v Praze, ANU Centre for European Studies), Ing.

Luděk Rychetník, CSc, (CEAS, University of Reading, U.K.), Mgr. Roman Hofreiter (Fakulta humanitných vied UMB Banská Bystrica, SR), Prof.

PhDr. Jiří Kabele, PhD. (ISS FSV UK v Praze), Mgr.

Tomáš Dvořák (ISS FSV UK v Praze, Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.), Mgr. Marcel Tomášek (ISS FSV UK), PhDr.

Martin Buchtík (Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., ISS FSV UK v Praze), PhDr. Veronika Frantová (ISS FSV UK v Praze), Mgr.

Martin Volek (ISS FSV UK v Praze).