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Geographical aspects of demand for basic education - what type of schools is in danger?

Publikace na Přírodovědecká fakulta |

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The aim of our paper is to illustrate main trends and driving forces that have influenced the development of spatial distribution of basic schools on the example of Central Bohemia - the region in Czechia (the state in Central Europe). Although the paper deals with a specific region, the conclusions could be transferable to the situation in other developed countries.

Our model region includes hinterland of the capital Prague, but also economically weak, remote parts that may be characterized as "inner peripheries" (Jančák et al. 2008). The paper presents specific problems in basic education provision, characteristic for particular types of territories, from centre to periphery.

The threats of low as well as of high numbers of potential pupils for schools and for local communities are discussed. The paper demonstrates the possibility of using the population forecasts to anticipate the future structure of pupils according to the grades of basic school.

Finally, we would like to answer the research question: what type of schools is in danger of future development problems? What are the characteristics of such schools and what is their position in educational and settlement system?