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The flow meter for both - inhalation and exhalation



The flow meters are manufactured industrially, which is reflected in the fact that the meter measured the air volume itself without the information, in which direction the flow leads. Some may find the value of spirometry, but this finding is based on the programming software, which assumes by producer.

For other flow analysis it is again two-way flow meter already in system analysers O2 or CO2. The output from spirometry is possible only from the original software.

For specific breathing exercises is require a very precise and direct findings.The functional sample addresses the issue of two-way control meter, which can be installed into any spirometry system separately. Moreover, it is addressed using a laser diode and a photodiode, which does not change the properties of the measurement.

In addition, you can install separately to meter any respiratory flow systems, e.g. in the DOLANSKÁ, Tereza. Vliv opakovaně prováděných dechových cvičení na tvar trupu a pohyblivost páteře.

Praha, 2008. 83 s. Vedoucí práce František Véle