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Russian Philosophy in the Epoch of Modernism: between literature and social act

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper concerns the Russian Modernism epoch as a synthetic culture, part of which was philosophy. Philosophical institutions of the time bored a sign of the Modernism as whole.

This fact is considered on example of philosophical societies. Closed professional institutions during the 19th century, thanks to the Symbolism they became the new type of the institution, co called philosophical-religious societies (RFO).

Having its prototype in Religious-Philosophical Meetings, it was fully formed as Moscow RFO. In the frame of this forum, the representatives of philosophy, symbolism artists, clergymen and scientists were meeting.

The society had its rules, membership, regular lectures with discussions, presentation in public. The same characteristics bored other societies, such as RFO in Saint-Petersburg and The Kiev RFO.

After the Bolshevik revolution the activity of RFO's continued in religious-philosophical academies and some institutions within the Russian emigration.