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Late Antique Ravenna in the light of new archaeological discoveries: architectural decoration

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The subject of this paper is the study of comercial mechanism of Late Antique Ravenna in terms of quantity and type of imported architectural decoration, on the basis of the study of archaeological material from the basilica of S. Severo (Classe) and architectural decoration conservated in the Ravennate basilicas.

Ravenna played in the 5th and 6th c. the significant role as an administrative and cultural center and also as a commercial and production centre. Ravennate art combined elements of Western and Eastern art.

The aim of this research was to determine the volume of imported stone products (fragments of architectural decoration, opus sectile) and to propose theri provenance. The classification of materials was based mainly on macroscopic methods, on a classification of different lithotypes (marble) and on a comparison with architectural elements of the Ravennate basilicas and sarcophagi.

Commercial development of Ravenna in the 5th - 6th c. in terms of imported architectural decoration was compared with imported ceramics to Ravenna and has been also evaluated in the context of the political and cultural situation. Output of the specific research project No. 265101/2012 solved at the Charles University.

Project "Vnitřní grant FF UK VG 113"