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Political parties of the Hungarian minority in Czechoslovakia and the election of President Masaryk's successor in December 1935. Part II

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The second part of the study goes into details of the attitude of Hungarian minority parties, namely the Provincial Christian Democratic Party (Országos Keresztény Szocialista Párt; OKSzP) and the Hungarian National Party (Magyar Nemzeti Párt; MNP), to the election of President Masaryk's successor in December 1935. Much attention is paid to the important closing meeting of their leaders on the eve of the election, i.e., 17th December 1935, which resulted in a joint declaration in support of the Presidential Nominee Edvard Beneš, Minister of Foreign Affairs at that time.

The second part of the study recapitulates in detail the final meetings of the leading Hungarian minority politicians and tries to answer as precisely as possible the question whether really all OKSzP and MNP legislators complied in the Vladislaus Hall of the Prague Castle on 18th December 1935 with the communiqué adopted on its eve 17 December 1935 by the joint Parliament clubs and voted at the election session for Beneš.