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Microstructural and metamorphic evolution of a high-pressure granitic orthogneiss during continental subduction (Orlica-Snieznik dome, Bohemian Massif)

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A microstructural and metamorphic study of a naturally deformed medium- to high-pressure granitic orthogneiss (OrlicaSnieznik dome, Bohemian Massif) provides evidence of behaviour of the felsic crust during progressive burial along a subduction-type apparent thermal gradient. The granitic orthogneisses develops three distinct microstructural types, as follows: type I augen orthogneiss, type II banded orthogneiss and type III mylonitic orthogneiss, each representing an evolutionary stage of a progressively deformed granite.

Type I orthogneiss is composed of partially recrystallized K-feldspar porphyroclasts surrounded by wide fronts of myrmekite, fully recrystallized quartz aggregates and interconnected monomineralic layers of recrystallized plagioclase. Compositional layering in the type II orthogneiss is defined by plagioclase- and K-feldspar-rich layers, both of which show an increasing proportion of interstitial minerals, as well as the deformation of recrystallized myrmekite fronts.

Type III orthogneiss shows relicts of quartz and K-feldspar ribbons preserved in a fine-grained polymineralic matrix. All three types have the same assemblage, but show systematic variations in the composition of muscovite and garnet from types I to III.

This is consistent with the equilibration of the three types at different positions along a prograde P-T path ranging from 700 degrees C (types II and III orthogneisses). The deformation types thus do not represent evolutionary stages of a highly partitioned deformation at constant P-T conditions, but reflect progressive formation during the burial of the continental crust.

The potential role of incipient melting in strain localization is discussed.