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Anilinium dihydrogen phosphate

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The triclinic structure of the title compound, C6H8N+. H2PO4-, with three symmetry- independent structural units (Z' = 3), is formed of separate organic and inorganic layers alternating along the b axis.

The building blocks of the inorganic layer are deformed H2PO4 tetrahedra assembled into infinite ladders by short and hence strong hydrogen bonds. The anilinium cations forming the organic layer are not hydrogen bonded to one another, but they are anchored by four N-H ...

O crosslinks between the dihydrogen phosphate chains of adjacent ladders. Two H atoms of each -NH3 group then form one normal and one bifurcated N-H ...

O hydrogen bond to the P=O oxygens of two tetrahedra of one chain, while the third H atom is hydrogen bonded to the nearest O atom of an adjacent chain belonging to another dihydrogen phosphate ladder.