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E-learning in school practice



The textbook is dedicated to Master Degree student teachers and Primary and Secondary School teachers for using in seminars and courses aimed to e-learning project design in primary or secondary school education. It payes attention to e-nearning as a didactic concept.

The textbook describes step by step another concepts such as digital content, digital learning object, learning objects repository or virtual learning management (VLE, CMS, etc.). There are many digital technologies which can be used in e-learning projects: authors concentrate on thechnologies which enable to dsitrubute digital educational content and are used for learner's feedback.

Topics related to legal aspects of digital resourses usage and considerations about criterias how to evaluate e-learning projects are also included. At the end of the textbook readers can find instructions how to design their own e-learning project for requirements of school education.

The textbook was developed primarily for needs of traning in a frame of the ESF course.