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Resolvins, maresins and 14,21-dihydrosyDHA - lipid mediators with antiinflammatory and reparation activities derived by enzymatic conversion from ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Endogenous lipid mediators with antiinflammatory and resolving activities are derived by enzymatic conversion of ω-3 unsaturated fatty acids. They modulate the magnitude and duration of acute response and the process of recovery from inflammation.

Multiple mechanisms provided by ω-3 fatty acid derivatives such as resolvins, maresins etc. are involved in restoration and maintenance of homeostasis. These include - limitation of leukocyte transmigration, inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine synthesis and adhesive molecule expression, enhanced clearance of apopototic cells and microbial pathogens by macrophages, tissue repair, and wound healing.

These lipid mediators have a great promising clinical potential in the treatment of the various types of inflammatory diseases.