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Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


This volume consists of five surveys that are focused on various aspects of theoretical fluid mechanics. In our opinion, mathematical analysis of fluid mechanics problems can lead to interesting and important results if the research shares at least two characteristics.

First, it requires good understanding of how the models in consideration have been developed, what are their limitations, and in what situations can the models be applied. Second, the theoretical investigations must be driven by relevant and interesting problems in applications such as qualitative properties of the solution or the construction of numerical methods.

Such a viewpoint has motivated the composition of the authors in this volume and resulted in five surveys that range from the constitutive theory of non-Newtonian fluids through the analysis of inhomogeneous incompressible fluid flows and the stability analysis of vortices up to the development of efficient computational methods for flows described by the incompressible Navier--Stokes equations and its generalizations.