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Phonetic and Morphological Variants in the Dialogic Texts of Radio Journalism

Publication at Faculty of Education |


This monograph summarises the results of an inquiry into the phonetic and morphological variants in the dialogic text of radio journalism. The examined specimen contains forty texts.

A vast majority of these are recordings of the Interview BBC (year of airing: 2005) show. The interviewees are by and large celebrities from artistic, scientific and social walks of life.

A particular emphasis is lain on the extent to which speakers abide by the literary language norms and standards, the extent of code-switching (existence of transitional zone in which an alteration or even mixing of Standard and Common Czech elements), the extent to which the findings have been influenced by the four socio-linguistic factors (region, sex, age and profession), and the extent to which the results yielded by this research correspond to those of previous ones.