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Oribatid mite fossils from Quaternary and pre-Quaternary sediments in Slovenian caves I. Two new genera and two new species of the family Oppiidae from the Early Pleistocene

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Two new genera of the oribatid mite family Oppiidae (Acari: Oribatida) are proposed based on fossils found in Early Pleistocene clastic sediments in caves of the Classical Slovenian Karst (Kras). Rhinoppioides MIKO gen. nov., with type species R. quadrituberculatus MIKO sp. nov., differs from the similar recent taxon Oppiella (Rhinoppia) BALOGH, 1983 by the presence of a rudimentary pedotectum II, simple setiform sensillus without rami and the position of the rostral setae, as well as by the presence of ventral spiniform tubercles Va.

Praoppiella MIKO et MOUREK gen. nov., with type species P. oanae MIKO et MOUREK sp. nov., differs from other genera of the family by the form of bothridia and two pairs of tubercles on the anterior border of the notogaster, both resembling those of suctobelbid species, and special development of the rostrum.