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Visuality in Mediated Communication: Topics, Approaches and Contexts

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Social Sciences |


The text sums up topics connected with visuality and its role in communication, as described in contemporary professional journals. The context and themes that preceded and constituted the field known as visual studies or visual culture studies are briefly mentioned as well as the themes of early 21st century texts.

The texts from mid-2000s shift to more particular subjects of visuality (convergence of different media, visual contents and meanings, design and patterns used in visual media) while the most recent texts focus on the wider context of visuality potential and its possible influence on society (visual means establishing identity, visual hyperreality, stereotypes, manipulation etc.). The summary, comparison and context of the texts on visuality and recapitulation of their thematic agenda should allow us to define the scope and other important features of the debate.