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Evaluation of the new two-stage teacher training by students at Charles University in Prague - Faculty of Education

Publication at Faculty of Education |


This paper deals with the Bologna Process and its implication to teacher training in the Czech Republic. It presents results of the questionnaire survey among students at Charles University in Prague - Faculty of Education.

We studied students' opinions about the transition from the five-year one-stage study leading to Master's degree to the two-stage study leading to Bachelor's and Master's degrees introduced in 2006/2007 at the Faculty. We also found out their opinions about several aspects of the new two-stage study.

The data collection was conducted during winter semester 2010/2011. In total 126 students participated in our survey, 30 Bachelor's students and 96 Master's students, all participants in the current two-stage system.

If these students had a choice, almost 70 % of them would prefer the current two-stage system. Bachelor's students were asked whether they are going to continue in the second stage leading to Master's degree.

Most of them (90 %) answered "yes", suggesting that the division in the two stages is more or less formal. Two-thirds of these students are going to pursue the Master's degree at the same faculty, i.e.

Faculty of Education at Charles University in Prague. Masters students were asked to compare study load in the two stages of the new system.

Half of these students consider the study load comparable in the two stages. By the rest of the students, the opinion that the study load is higher in the second stage prevails.