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Reliability and measurement errors of isokinetic strength in knee joint in extensio and flexion

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Isokinetic dynamo-meter is used to both rehabilitation procedures and diagnostics of actual state of muscle apparatus. The strength in knee extension and flexion is mostly measured.

Despite the fact that methodology of measurement of muscle strength of extensors and flexors via isokinetic dynamometer is known for quite a long time, its reliability and measurement errors are often missed out in Czech population. Aim of the study was to find out the reliability and measurement errors of isokinetic strength in the knee joint.

Group: thirteen sportsmen were measured via Cybex Humac Norm dynamometer. Methods: Isokinetic strength at concentric muscle activity in angular velocities 60o/s (5 rep.) and 180o/s (15 rep.) was measured.

The measurement itself consisted of the measurement of strength of right and left extremity during in and flexion of knee joint. Muscle performance was measured with following quantities: maximal moment of a force, average work and average performance.

Results: Intra class correlation coefficient (ICC) was in the knee joint in flexion and extension for 60o/s - 0,92-0,95 and 0,91-0.96 and for 180o/s - 0,88-0.94 for flexion and 0,95-0,97 for extension. Conclusion: Results show high values of measurement reliability of specific isokinetic force in the knee joint and therefore low absolute measurement errors.