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Analyis of dynamic co-contraction level of selected muscles group of upper extremity during the exercises with the vibrating dumbbell

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Vibrating dumbbells represent a new tool with the possible use in the field of rehabilitation and sport. Producers declare wide spectrum of effects, but they are not verified in practice yet.

Aim of the examination was to assess and compare the EMG activity of m.biceps brachii, m.triceps brachii and m.trapzius during active flexion and extension in the elbow with vibrating and non-vibrating dumbbell and to assess the co-contraction level of m.biceps brachii/m.triceps brachii and m.trapezius pars superior/m.trapezius pars inferior. Group 9 healthy individuals were chosen for the experiment.

Surface EMG was the method for objectification. The basic monitored parameter was the level of co-contraction (CCL), which is defined as a simultaneous activity of antagonistic muscles, calculated from normalized value of integrated EMG signal for each muscle.

The results show the uniform trend - the increase of CCL in both pairs of antagonistic muscles during movement with the vibrating dumbbell. The results correlate with the basic view on the therapeutic effects of vibration.

They point out the increased organism reaction in the way of joint stabilization as a basic compensatory mechanism in vibration application. This highly mentioned mechanism support the use of this therapeutic method in proprioception renewal in the area of impaired joints by various etiologic reasons.

Authors at the same time goad on caution in excess application of vibration load.