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Not only Money, but the Integration and Loyalty of Migrants: Proposals for further Study of the Remittances sent from the Czech Republic

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Inspired by certain discrepancy between emphasis on financial and development impact of remittances on one side and some findings of my own survey on the other, I develop some proposals for further research of remittances sent from the Czech Republic. First, I discuss interconnection of remittances, migration and development.

Then, I show some topics related to the remittances, which I find relevant, important and close to the definition of situation of migrants themselves. In the form of proposals for further research I pose some questions which connect the topic of remittances with the inclusion of migrants.

I suggest concentrating on affiliation of migrants to host societies and simultaneously to their home societies and to the topic of building and maintaining of transnational relations of migrants. I try to warn against simplifying of phenomenon of remittances to purely financial matter.