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Comment on "Determination of light quark masses from eta -> 3 pi(0)"

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


In the commented paper it is claimed that there is provided a model-independent determination of the quantity B-0(m(d) - m(u)) based on the analysis of the decay of eta to three neutral pions that takes the strong-interaction correction as an unknown parameter. In the following we show that the two constraints presented there as independent equations are in fact two approximations of a single constraint connecting together B-0(m(d) - m(u)) with the strong-interaction correction to the eta -> 3 pi(0) decay amplitude.

Thus, without some additional information on the latter (such as its correct value at least at one kinematic point) it does not lead to any determination of B-0(m(d) - m(u)), and the numerical values presented there should not be taken seriously. We have also found that the numerical result for the studied quantity obtained in the commented paper is just an accidental number stemming from some numerical errors that had occurred in the computations presented there.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.118501