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Memory and Exile in Sešity Josefíny Rykrové

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The study analyzes a conception of memory in the last Součková's poetry collection, Sešity Josefíny Rykrové. Memory plays an important role in all the works of the author but especially in her exile period.

From the viewpoint of visuality Součková visualize events in which she didn't participate or participated as too small to remember them or finally which are rather imaginary. She tries to do it by means of her specific conception of the language as logos or cultural memory.

The principle of this memory is not a chronology but coexistence (of events, things, persons and words) and the effect of the word of logos is not a simple signification as in the regular language but the incarnation. The pseudonym "Josefína Rykrová" also can be read in this way as the "logonym" by means of which Součková "lives" in the memory-logos.