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Head injury of cyclist in side collision with different types of cars



This study is focused on the most common type of collision and offers insights into the biomechanics of cyclist's bead injury without the use of bicycle helmet. Initial mechanical and kinematic conditions that affect Bead Injury Criterion (l-l!C) after a car hits a cyclist were determined using simulation software MADYMO.

In relation to lliC. three different shapes of the front part of the car and three basic cyclist's positions were compared. In 2008, a total of 77 cyclists were killed on Czech roads.

Other 431 cyclists were se1iously injured and 2.516 suffered minor injuries. The 88.3% of cyclists killed at the time of an accident was not having a helmet equipped.

The 60-90% of fata l cyclist injuries were due to head injUJy [Depreitere et al., 2004] .