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The response of the system of human axillary on the mechanical waves detected by the method TVS - Transfer Vibration through Spine

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Human musculoskeletal system responds to hypokinetic and hyperkinetic loading changes the rheological properties of connective tissues. In the study presented three case studies that demonstrate the possibility of using methods TVS (Transfer Vibration through Spine) to identify and classify changes in the system of human axillary in the case of monotonous vibration load (riding car) and advanced gymnasts training load and rope skipping.

TVS method is based on the fact that the speed of mechanical waves pervading connective tissue is influenced by the properties of these tissues. The difference between the input and output values of the acceleration at each spinous outcrops is possible to deduce the properties of the tissue.

TVS method as an identifier of these changes can be used for classification, prevention and therapy of extreme physical regimes.