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Mass and Aesthetics Construction in Early Devětsil

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper focuses on the bipolarity of the representations of the body and of sensual directness in the poetics and aesthetics of the Devětsil group. The purpose of the motifs of corporeality and of the emphatic sensually direct imaging in the works of Czech Poetism not only strives for a plastic representation of reality, now freed from the idealist and metaphysical contexts of the pre- avantgard artistic tendencies and movements, but also becomes an expression of fear awoken by that which is impalpable and ingraspable by the senses and by all inconcrete realities.

From this viewpoint, the plasticity and sensual directness of poetic images turns out to serve as a conscious cover for disturbing subconscious realities, ones whose gradual crystallization is largely conditioned by a degree of distantiation from the corporeality and sensuality of Poetism.