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Beyond homothetic polygons: recognition and maximum clique

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We study the Clique problem in classes of intersection graphs of convex sets in the plane. The problem is known to be NP-complete in convex-sets intersection graphs and straight-line-segments intersection graphs, but solvable in polynomial time in intersection graphs of homothetic triangles.

We extend the latter result by showing that for every convex polygon P with k sides, every n-vertex graph which is an intersection graph of homothetic copies of P contains at most n 2k inclusion-wise maximal cliques. We actually prove this result for a more general class of graphs, so called k DIR -CONV, which are intersection graphs of convex polygons whose all sides are parallel to at most k directions.

We further provide lower bounds on the numbers of maximal cliques, discuss the complexity of recognizing these classes of graphs and present relationship with other classes of convex-sets intersection graphs.