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Comparative analysis of cross country skiing by free technique and skating on roller skis

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Moving on ski is very old human locomotion on snow. In last century it became very favourite winter and olympic sport, which enjoys from big boom among public in this time.

New cross country skiing technique - skating has developed very dynamically from 80th years 20th century. Předkládaná pilotní studie se zabývá komparací bruslení na lyţích a na kolečkových lyţích, a to ve třech základních bruslařských stylech: oboustranné bruslení dvoudobé asymetrické na pravou a na levou stranu a oboustranné bruslení jednodobé.

Sledovány byly nástupy rozhodující aktivace jednotlivých svalŧ pravé dolní končetiny a jejich následná deaktivace v prŧběhu jednoho krokového cyklu. 36 Presented study deals with comparison between skating on ski and roller ski. We studied tree base styles of skating: V-2 on right and left side and V-1.

It was measured the beginnings of important activation each of muscles on right leg and their subsequent deactivation during one step's cycle. The results confirm the idea that we can consider roller skiing as special training device from cross country skiing.

It is right from kinetic view and from connection of muscles too.