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Optical Illusion of General Kleinträtl. The Engraving of Fights at Teplá in September 1647 in the Light of Interdisciplinary Studies

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The object of this article represents the engraving of fights at Teplá in September 1647 published in the sixth volume of the work Theatrum Europaeum. Critical analysis of the engraving is based on the latest processing of fights at Teplá in the monography of V.

Matoušek, supplemented by bachelor thesis of M. Vacková and diploma thesis of M.

Fialová. The elaborate of issues of engravings of the battlefield near Teplá is part of a joint project of systematic interdisciplinary studies of iconographical sources to battlefields of the Thirty Years' War in the Czech lands, which has been implemented by pedagogues and students of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague.