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Archaeological map of Fox Hill, Al Hugeir Abu Dom, Sabaloka Dam Region (West Bank), Sudan (2011-2012)



The map is the outcome of the first two field campaigns (autumn 2011, spring 2012) of research carried out in the scope of the Sabaloka Dam Archaeological Salvage Project in the Czech archaeological concession which measures 40 x 10 km and covers the Sabaloka Mountains on the west bank of the Nile and adjacent areas. The detailed map of the most important Mesolithic and Neolithic occupation site in the whole research area - the so-called Fox Hill in the SW periphery of the Sabaloka Mountains close to the village of Al Hugeir Abu Dom - was created on the basis of the survey of the whole granite outcrop by means of basic geodetic methods (altogether ca. 5,000 measuring points were taken).

The map of the outcrop with the interval of contour lines of 1 m captures the delimitation of 16 occupation platforms and terraces (with the more detailed interval of contour lines of 0.3 m), differentiation of terraces and platforms according to density of surface finds, significant erosion lines, position of recent funerary tumuli, and location of 20 excavated soundings.