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Monitoring of anthropogenic changes of relief in the Karviná region


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The Karviná region is affected by coal mining, that causes significant changes of landscape. Undermining resulting in the ground subsidence, during and after completing of mining works landscape reclamation is being carried out.

Monitoring of relief changes focuses on the measurement of ground subsidence. The subsidence is located on the surface above the mined coalface, progressively developing in the direction of mining and resulting in subsidence trough or depression.

The subsidence is demonstrated in the horizontal movements on the slopes of developing subsidence trough and also in the vertical movement with maximum in its center, it can reach more than one meter per year. Main applied method is the satellite radar interferometry (Interferometry SAR - InSAR).

Processing of the SAR images allows to determine the changes of distance between satellite (SAR antenna) and the targets on the ground for specific time period. For application of InSAR results was neccessery to compare and verify with results of other measurement techniques (levelling, GPS) carried out in the undermined area.

From summer 2011 I have carried out the geomorphological analysis of the undermined area, including geomorphological mapping of anthropogenic landforms, delimitation of extent of the subsiding areas, and documentation of the impacts of subsidence (e.g. road deformations).