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Most Common Connectives of Causal Relation in Prague Dependency Treebank

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


This contribution deals with properties of most common connective means of the causal relation in the Prague Dependency Treebank (namely with expressions protože (because), neboť (because), proto (therefore), takže (so), tak (so), tedy (thus) and totiž (because, namely, sometimes untranslatable)). Some properties of these connectives are described independently of context (e.g. position in the sentence, compatibility with other connectives), the majority of properties is characterized also with regard to frequency (how often these expressions connect parts of one sentence and how often parts of text across sentence boundaries, how often they are used to connect verbal phrases and how often something else, etc.).

Its general aim is to show which properties are shared by all these connectives (or by some of them) and which are, on the contrary, specific for each of them. This paper also wants to contribute to the discussion of the part-of-speech characteristics of these connectives – a relation of the o