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"One has to go to school": Application Options of a Holistic Approach in Studying Life Course of Young Disabled Adults

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Education |


The chapter reflects the partial results of an ongoing research project whose attention isgiven to school education in the Czech Republic through the eyes of today's young adults with disabilities. The biographical research design is used in the to the study of the life course of these people.

We uncover themes related to so called significant concepts - pathways (way of life) and resources. It is evident, that resources for the education of children with disabilities in mainstream schools were (at that time) provided unsystematically and partly.

It often resulted in a disruption of their educational pathways. In this context, we come to the conclusion that special education satisfies educational needs of children (even in the short term) but in same time relieves pressure on the regular schools to implemented necessary changes to accommodate educational needs of children with disabilities.

Educational career of children with disabilities is often negatively stigmatized, which has negative impacts on their psychosocial development.