A new species of Infundichalara (anamorphic Helotiales), a hitherto monotypic genus, is described from pine needle litter. Infundichalara minuta sp. nov. forms two conidiophore types.
Erect penicillate conidiophores producing catenulate non-septate hyaline conidia form more frequently than Chalara-like conidiophores with funnel-shaped collarettes produce wedge-shaped phialoconidia. Although its morphological characters correspond more with Xenopolyscytalum, a three-region DNA analyses (ITS, 28S rDNA and EF-1 alpha) of Infundichalara, Xenopolyscytalum, and related Chalara species in the Helotiales confirm the phylogenetic position of the new species within Infundichalara.
It differs from I. microchona by smaller phialides and wedge-shaped conidia.